Monday, January 17, 2011


I decided to write a “recap” of what I’ve learned from week 1, chapter 1: “It All Starts with God”, because let’s be real here: I’M GOING THROUGH GOD’S “PURPOSE” & trying to figure out life just the way you are tooJ! We’re doing this “together” remember, just because I’m writing the blog doesn’t make me an “exception” to the rule. So here goes:
A VALUABLE LESSON I’ve learned this past week is that: I AM HUMAN, and I DO make mistakes. I may not like to admit it, but I’m not always right, lol! I say this because it’s good to admit your faults. Admitting when you’re wrong & what you’re afraid of in life is an IMPORTANT step in being able to move forward in life. How can I expect God to show me HIS purpose when I’m not willing to admit to myself my fears and my own faults?
I did come through a BREAKTHROUGH today, with the help of one of my best friends and through prayer (God’s help too), I was able to openly admit my “greatest fear” in life…I’ll give you a “hint”: it has to do with me + men + relationships= A HUGE FEAR OF MINE! Now, to openly admit that in a blog makes me feel like I’m standing in front of an full packed auditorium giving my amazing “life inspiring speech” butt booty nakedL. Hahahaha! Trust me, for those that know me…this is me revealing myself one layer at a time. It should take you at least a year (if not a few months) for me to actually “admit” something to that extent. That’s not the “root” of my greatest fear, but due to the root the cause & effect if you will, is a “fear” in relationships not friendships…that’s completely different I’m talking about an actual relationship with the opposite sex, hahaha.
Ok, so now that I’ve OPENLY admitted that to myself (and to the “blog world” aka whoever reads this) …it’s OBVIOUS that I need to work on that part of my fear. Is that a part of God’s ultimate purpose for me? I’m not sure, maybe it is. However, how can God fully work on me & move into my life when I’m “afraid” to let go of certain things & always find myself running? By admitting our fear (however many we may have), we are FREEING ourselves from BONDAGE! Which allows God to work “freely in your life” allowing HIM to MOLD us and take us to that NEXT LEVEL of TRANSFORMATION so that HE can better our lives for us! Do you see how it is really ALL ABOUT GOD? Are you willing to change? Are you even ready to change? Can you openly admit (you don’t have to tell me, lol) your FEAR and allow God to work through you so that HE can help you GROW. These are very important steps that we need to take, and TRUST ME they’re not easy. Truthfully though, as cliché as it sounds: NO ONE SAID IT WOULD BE EASY, BUT IN THE END IT WILL BE WORTH ITJ.
If you're WILLING to CHANGE & not pray away every "bad" situation, God will REFINE you...then you WILL pass a test & STEP INTO a NEW LEVEL of your DESTINY

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